Kibart: Post-Launch Debrief and Roadmap

2 min readMar 16, 2021

Dear Kibart Lovers

We are extremely glad to welcome you alongside us as we embark on our journey to revolutionize the BSC NFT farming as we know it.

Just under 24 hours, we experienced a significant growth in the value of our token and our Telegram community continues to grow steadily.

In that spirit, we are now excited to update you on our plans for the immediate future!

Adjusting Development Allocation

Some of the community members have justifiably expressed their concerns about the token allocated for development and marketing.

As set out in our last medium post, the total percentage allotted to devs are marketing is 20% but due to the issues raised about the amount, we are now opening the percentage to be burnt for the community to decide.

With this in mind, our current intention is to:

  • Burn the percentage agreed on in the telegram poll. This poll run for the next 24 hours and
  • Add more liquidity so as to reduce price impact on swaps

We believe these combined effects will help make the KBT less volatile and encourage a seamless trading and enough liquidity for our upcoming NFT farming protocol.

The Roadmap

Let’s be candid. This is crypto and it’s an extremely competitive space, particularly for your attention.

We are working to deliver all we have as quickly as possible, but we also know that development takes time and it may take several weeks to months. This is why we put up a comprehensive roadmap as a check on our performance in the coming months.

We know that this may require some understanding on your part whilst we push these development works.

Quarter 1

Project Launch

Listing on CEX,

Partnership Deals

Launch of the first Kibart token (kAlpha)

Art Collection

NFT Farming

Quarter 2

Art/NFT Gallery

Kibart Marketplace & Launch of kBeta and kGamma

Kibart App Release

Quarter 3

Kibart Launchpad

Kibart Aggregator protocol

Quarter 4

Fiat Integration

Finally, This roadmap does not indicate our work ends here but rather an opportunity to continue working and promoting Kibart through our social channels. We will also be actively discussing with potential partners and testers who wish to use the platform once developed.







The only fairly competitive token for the BSC community and a test of value for solid yield farming, future project listing and NFTs